Automating YouTube Keyword Research: Tools and Techniques for Finding the Best Keywords

Hello there, welcome to Makemoney-Cashcow YouTube channel, thank you for visiting our channel again. In the blog that we have for you today, we are going to delve deeply into the field of keyword research. You will need to optimize your blogs for the appropriate keywords if you want to expand the size of your channel and engage a greater number of viewers. But you have nothing to worry about because we are here to walk you through the process of automating the research you do on YouTube keywords. We are going to go over some incredible tools and strategies that will assist you in locating the most appropriate keywords for your article. So, let’s get started!


Let’s quickly go through the reasons why keyword research is so crucial before we dive into the various tools and strategies. People search for material on YouTube by using various words and phrases, which are referred to as keywords. You may improve your chances of having your blogs appear in search results and bring more visitors to your channel by optimizing them for the relevant keywords.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s discuss the first tool on our list, which is the YouTube Search Autocomplete feature. When you begin typing a search query on YouTube, the site will make suggestions for suitable terms based on searches that have been conducted previously. This might provide you with very useful information regarding the things that people are seeking for. Make a note of these recommendations, and employ them as a jumping off point for your study on keywords.


The following tool that we suggest using is Google Trends. Although it was not developed with YouTube in mind especially, the data it gives on the popularity of keywords over time is extremely helpful. You are able to investigate themes that are currently popular, evaluate several distinct keywords, and even confine your search to a certain region. You will be able to find terms that are currently trending and capitalize on their popularity if you analyze this data.


TubeBuddy is a well-known keyword research tool that was developed with YouTube in mind particularly, so let’s go on to discussing it now. TubeBuddy provides a number of options that can streamline and automate the process of conducting keyword research. The Keyword Explorer is one of the most helpful functions that this tool offers. You can input a term or phrase, and it will give you a list of other common keywords that are connected to the one you entered. In addition to this, important data such as search traffic, competition, and an overall score are shown to you in order to assist you in making informed judgments.


VidIQ is a useful addition to your arsenal of tools for conducting keyword research, VidIQ, an online blog optimization tool, provides a full collection of capabilities, much like TubeBuddy does for YouTube blogs. A keyword research module is included in the tool’s offering, and it makes suggestions for pertinent keywords while also providing data on search volume, competition, and trend analysis. It even provides you with a competitiveness score so that you can evaluate how challenging it will be to rank for a specific keyword.


Let’s speak about a method for automating your keyword research now that we’ve covered some really useful tools in the previous section. You can utilize this method to save a lot of time. Analyzing the keywords that are being used by your competition is one strategy that is helpful. You will be able to get insights and locate fresh keyword chances if you have an awareness of the keywords that they are targeting. You may identify channels that are comparable to yours and evaluate the keywords they use with the assistance of tools such as Social Blade and Channel Pages.


Last but not least, let us not overlook the efficacy of some good old-fashioned brainstorming. Take some time to sit down and think about the subjects and keywords that are pertinent to the content you’re creating. You should jot down all of the thoughts that come to your mind, and then you should utilize the techniques that we discussed earlier to develop and expand upon those ideas that you have written down. Your imagination and sense of intuition can sometimes take you to one-of-a-kind prospects in the realm of keyword research that others may have missed.

Our blog on automating the process of researching keywords on YouTube is now complete. Don’t forget that if you want to increase the visibility of your movie and draw in a larger audience, picking the appropriate keywords is quite necessary. By

You will be well-equipped to uncover the most effective keywords for your content if you make use of a variety of tools, such as YouTube Search Autocomplete, Google Trends, TubeBuddy, and VidIQ, in addition to conducting research on your competitors and engaging in creative brainstorming.

Bonus Tips on Techniques for Finding the Best Keywords
Use Long-Tail Keywords to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Long-tail keywords should not be discounted while searching for the most effective keywords to use for your YouTube channel because of their potential. Long-tail keywords are phrases that are longer and more specialized than standard keywords. Users type these phrases into search engines or YouTube to find the content they are interested in. Even while they may have a smaller search volume in comparison to more general terms, they frequently bring in traffic that is highly targeted, which can help you stand out from the other businesses in your industry.

Using long-tail keywords effectively can be accomplished by following these steps:

Be specific: Long-tail keywords enable you to target a specific audience that is more likely to interact with your content because of the content’s specificity. For instance, rather than targeting “fitness tips,” you could explore utilizing “beginner yoga poses for flexibility” or “high-intensity interval training workouts at home.” You can attract people who are actively searching the same content that you supply if you are specific in your approach.

It is important to understand the intent of the person behind the search. Long-tail keywords generally show the user’s intent. Are they searching for information, critiques, instructional guides, or comparisons? Your ability to personalize your content to match their needs and deliver value, which will increase the likelihood of engagement and conversions, is dependent on your ability to grasp the intent.

Carry out extensive research, including: Utilize keyword research tools such as Google Trends, SEMrush, or YouTube’s own keyword planner to discover the long-tail keywords that are most applicable to your particular market segment. When optimizing your content for optimum visibility, pay attention to the number of searches being performed, the level of competition, and the trends.

Examine your rivals in the following areas: Research the blogs of your competitors that already have a high ranking for long-tail keywords. Researching the titles, descriptions, and tags of competing websites can provide valuable insight into how effectively those websites utilize keywords. However, you should make it a priority to produce original and helpful material in order to differentiate yourself from the other businesses in your industry.

Utilize long-tail keywords in a strategic manner: Once you have compiled a list of applicable long-tail keywords, work them into the titles, descriptions, tags, and transcripts of your blogs in a way that seems natural. If you want to protect the reputation of your channel and your ranking, you should avoid keyword stuffing and avoid employing irrelevant terms.

Monitor and improve: Make it a habit to frequently monitor how well your blog is performing by utilizing YouTube Analytics or one of the many other analytics tools available. Determine which of your site’s long-tail keywords are generating the greatest traffic and the most interaction. Using this information, you should adjust your keyword approach by trying out new versions or concentrating on keywords that have performed particularly well.

Keep in mind that although long-tail keywords may not receive as many searches as broad terms, they can still drive traffic to your blogs that are extremely relevant to the content. You may improve your chances of finding the proper viewers and increasing your YouTube channel through organic means by first gaining a grasp of the intent of your audience, then undertaking extensive research, and finally carefully incorporating long-tail keywords.

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