10 Side Hustle Tips for Extra Income on YouTube Fast (Faceless Niche)


Hey Everybody, Welcome to Make-Money Cash-cow! We are happy to have you back on our blog, where our primary goal is to assist you in optimizing the use of both your time and effort. Today, we’re going to discuss ten quick and easy ways to make additional money on YouTube through a side hustle, and the greatest thing is that you won’t even have to reveal your face to your audience! This blog is ideal for you if you are uncomfortable appearing on camera or if you simply like to keep your identity a secret. This is the easiest way to make 7 figures silently. Let’s get started!

The First Tip: Animation and Voice-overs.

The first piece of advice that we have is to produce blogs with voiceovers and animation. This is a highly competitive faceless niche that gives you the opportunity to impart useful knowledge without requiring you to appear on camera. You can build compelling animations with programs like Adobe After Effects or beyond, and then record your own voiceover to serve as the story’s narrator after you’ve done so. This kind of content works wonderfully for instructional blogs, blogs that explain things, or even stories that are amusing.

Another Use for Compilation blogs and Stock Footage.

The production of stock footage and compilation blogs is yet another lucrative faceless market sector. You can utilize websites such as Pexels or Videvo to search for stock footage that does not require a royalty payment and then compile the clips into a blog that relates a story or discusses a certain topic. You might, for instance, put together a blog collection of the most breathtaking beaches in the world or the most uplifting acts of compassion that have been captured on camera. Just make sure that the original creators of the footage are given the credit that is due to them.

Lists and Countdowns Containing the Top 10.

People are obsessed with lists, and creating content in the form of top 10 lists or countdowns is a fantastic method to remain anonymous. You are able to create blogs on any subject, such as the top 10 strangest foods from around the world, the top 10 most costly cars, or even the top 10 best movies of all time. Simply conduct research, compose an outline, and illustrate your points with photographs or blog clips to complete the task. You also have the option of adding text or voiceover to convey further information.

Guide Tip No. 4: blog Games and Let’s Play Sessions.

If you’re a gamer, making gaming blogs and Let’s Play blogs could be a great faceless niche for you to pursue. You are able to blogtape yourself while playing blog games and provide commentary, helpful hints, or even just hilarious reactions to the gameplay. Fans of blog games like consuming content of this nature, and they have an almost unlimited selection of titles from which to choose. Be sure to adhere to any and all copyright standards, and keep your films free of any music or graphics that are protected by intellectual property laws.

Audio Content and Podcasts.

Podcasts and other forms of audio entertainment are gaining more and more subscribers on YouTube. You have the ability to make a blog in the style of a podcast in which you talk about a variety of subjects, interview guests, or express your thoughts on current events. Because of the nature of this presentation, you won’t need to worry about your appearance and can instead concentrate on the meaning of what you have to say and how you say it. You may keep the movie interesting for your audience by incorporating a variety of visual elements, such as images, text, or straightforward animations.

How-To blogs and Tutorials.

Tutorial and how-to blogs are in high demand at all times, and you can make them without revealing your face. You can use screen recordings, close-up images, or step-by-step visuals to take your audience through the process of creating a specific meal, using a specific piece of software, or putting together a do-it-yourself project, depending on what you’re instructing your audience to do. By including audio or text directions, your material will become even more informative and entertaining for your audience.

Unboxing blogs and Product Reviews.

One more invisible sector that has the potential to produce additional revenue on YouTube is product reviews and unboxing blogs. You can give honest reviews of products that are connected to your expertise or interests, and share those reviews with the viewers of your channel. The product, its characteristics, and its operation should all be shown in detailed close-up photographs. You can also create blogs called “unboxing blogs,” in which you demonstrate the steps involved in opening a new goods and examining it. This kind of material may result in opportunities for affiliate marketing as well as relationships with other brands.

Advice No. 8: Watching blogs of Meditation and Relaxation.

blogs teaching people how to meditate and relax are gaining popularity as society places a greater emphasis on the importance of mental health and wellbeing. You have the ability to develop faceless material that assists your viewers in unwinding, meditating, or becoming more conscious. Utilize reassuring visuals such as landscapes, calming animations, or peaceful images, and accompany them with music that is relaxing or an audio recording of a guided meditation. This kind of content has the potential to draw in a dedicated audience that is looking for ways to relieve stress and gain mental clarity.

Slideshow blogs is the ninth tip.

The creation of faceless material can be made in a method that is both easy and effective using slideshow movies. You can make slideshows on a variety of topics, such as history, travel, or intriguing facts, using presentation software such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or another program of your choosing. Include a voiceover or some text to provide context and information, and make use of images, blog clips, or animations to keep your audience interested and involved. This structure is adaptable, so it can be used for a wide variety of topics and discussions.

Commentary and Expertise in Your Specialty.

You can generate faceless content by offering your knowledge and commentary on important issues if you have expertise in a specific niche. This will allow you to remain anonymous to readers. If you are an expert in finance, for instance, you may create films in which you discuss various investment methods, market trends, or personal finance advice. To back up your claims, you can employ visual aids such as charts, graphs, or animations; additionally, you can add audio or text to provide more in-depth explanations. This category of content can assist you in establishing yourself as an authority in your specialized field and drawing in an audience that is committed to your brand.


Therefore, there you have it: ten quick and easy ways to earn extra money on YouTube without exposing your true identity to your audience. Keep in mind that producing high-quality, engaging content that offers something of value to your audience is essential to your success in any specialized field. Choose a specific niche or area of discussion. Be consistent, continue to follow your passions, and remain open to learning and growing in all aspects of your life. Now get out there and start producing some incredible content without a face using free-to-use stock footage!

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